Friday, July 20, 2018

Skills Entrepreneurs Need For Business Success

Anyone can be an entrepreneur, but it takes serious chops to be successful. If you want to get into the world of business, you’ll need a set of skills to thrive in your chosen industry. Given that so many businesses close shop within the first five years of operations, every entrepreneur must be certain with their actions. Here are the top skills needed to be successful in business:

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Business isn’t all about management. Communication plays a key role. Knowing how to communicate to your audiences is a make or break process. Even if you have the hottest item or service to sell, if you can’t clearly communicate what you offer, you will not find an audience. Learn to speak to your audience clearly. How a consumer thinks is different from how an entrepreneur thinks.

Knowing your finances is half the battle. If you don’t keep an eye on money matters, your business could go under, leaving you with a tremendous amount of debt. Develop discipline when it comes to purchases and be practical when investing.

Lastly, you have to learn how to nurture your clients. It’s one thing to sell people an oven, and it’s another thing to have them call their friends and talk about the oven you sold them. Repeat customers and customer referrals are a solid base for the income of most businesses.
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Jarle Thorsen is a specialist in entrepreneurship. For many years, he has pitched ideas to investors and clients, even having his fair share of rejections along the way. Mr. Thorsen founded Unaico in 2009 and has been leading the company since. For more insightful reads on entrepreneurship, visit this website.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Understanding the heart of the business concept

One of the biggest mistakes committed by entrepreneurs when making a business pitch is being bogged down by its complexity. A business pitch doesn’t just serve as a guide to prospective investors; it summarizes the purpose of the enterprise. Although many successful businesses can have complex operations, their basic function can be concisely put. 

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All business pitches answer this question: what can I do for you? 

To simplify a business pitch, entrepreneurs must understand the core solution they provide their customers. What is it about their business that helps their target consumers, and how will they do it better than the competition? What sets its solutions apart from the rest? Exactly what the product offers is the main attraction. 

Because a pitch relies on simplifying the enterprises’ entire high concept, entrepreneurs should understand what their target audience wants and frame their pitch accordingly. An entrepreneur may need to do their homework to position their product properly to their clients, especially if they cater to a niche market. 

The conciseness and clarity on product offering should extend to the presentation. Rather than merely describing the product’s features, entrepreneurs must frame their pitch and its features based on how it can solve present and projected issues customers face with regard to a certain need.

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Longtime entrepreneur and Unaico founder Jarle Thorsen understands the value of defining the core idea of a business proposal. Visit this blog for more updates on bringing entrepreneurial ideas out of the drawing board.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Important reminders when raising funds for a small business

One of, if not, the most challenging aspects of setting up any business is coming up with the capital. While funding for a business may come from a variety of sources, there are a few tips experienced businessmen have shared to make the entire process as manageable as possible. 

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The successful pitch: Having a pitch that catches the fancy of investors is the first step in raising funds for a business. From crafting a winning pitch to delivering it with inspiration can go a long, long way. Businessmen should practice the pitch as though they practice lines in a stage play. 

The connections: Having a great business idea and a winning pitch means very little if there’s no one to pitch the idea to. Experienced businessmen recommend to start with the closest circle of family and friends, then expand from there. To get their hearts into it, there should be offers of payment options and future partnerships. And be honest and transparent at all times. 

The business gatherings: Business gatherings such as capital events allow businessmen to meet up with potential investors. But don’t go to the gatherings unprepared. Have a short version of the winning pitch at the ready. Know the crowd and which investors to approach. 

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Jarle Thorsen has pitched innovative ideas to investors, having had a fair share of rejections along the way. He is knowledgeable in communications, business, and entrepreneurship, having founded and co-founded businesses over the years. For similar updates, click here.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

From The Top: How Can Leaders Show Respect To Their Employees?

The workplace can be a dreadful place for employees. Having to answer to superiors while juggling various tasks can make a person dislike their current job. At the root of it all, the reason for employee dissatisfaction is the lack of respect and acknowledgment they receive at work. While most aren't aware that these practices are lacking in the office, it is not too late to include these in the office culture. Below are some ways leaders can show respect to their employees: 

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Listen and truly consider their suggestions

Each employee has something to contribute to the team. Some of the introverted employees will share what they have in mind if they will be assured that they will not be ridiculed or scoffed at when they share their ideas. For the more outgoing ones, listening to their suggestions will affirm them that someone is considering what they have to say.

Acknowledge their efforts especially in times of difficulties

There are times when things at work won't go according to plan. In times like this, it is easy for leaders to put the blame on someone else or to express their anger. While employees should know their faults and do their best to make things right, their leaders must be gracious to still acknowledge their efforts even if it wasn't successful. Employees will feel they respected if they are given a chance to grow and learn from their mistakes. 

Reward them for a job well done 

Some leaders take all the credit, forgetting that other members of the team have contributed to the success of a project. Good leaders know better to acknowledge and reward employees especially those who are working even without recognition. Treating them to dinner or giving them a small token will show them that their superiors respect them. When people feel respected in the workplace, they will do their best to fulfill the tasks given to them. 

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Jarle Thorsen has been in the business and entrepreneurship industry for many years. In 2009, he founded Unaico, a multi-level marketing company. He is passionate about sharing his ideas with others and is also interested in photography, and computer security and forensics. Visit this page for related updates.